Barton Stacey History Group



We research and care for the archives of the parish of Barton Stacey, Hampshire and make them available to everybody.

To The Right Revd Bishop of Winchester - diocess of

Southampton - To all whom it may concern

                We the undersigned being Protestant Dissenters

do hereby certify that the dwelling house and premises

thereunto adjoining occupied by John Ember in the parish

of Barton Stacey, in the County of Hants, is intended

forthwith to be used as a place of religious worship by

an assembly or congregation of protestants ^ dissenting

from the Church of England called Baptists     and we do

hereby request that the same may be registered in

the Bishop of Winchester’s Registry according to the

law in that case made and provided, and also that

a certificate of the same be granted unto us.

Witness our hands this tenth day of January 1813

Jno Ember

Jos? Saunders

Jno Morrant

Wm Blake

Jos Diddams

    The mark X of John Patrick

13 January 1813

Made out a Licence or Certificate

According to the above Requisition

J. Ridding Depy Regr

We know of five meeting houses established in Barton Stacey parish, the first in 1813, the last in 1835. These are shown below.

Only the first specifies the denomination as Baptist, though the names suggest that the following three were the same. The 1834 certificate is probably for a Methodist Meeting House since the Anthony family were Methodists.

We are unable to say whether the 1835 certificate was for a Baptist or Methodist meeting house in Newton Stacey.

If you can provide information about Baptists in the area, or know more about the people who signed these documents, please get in touch. Contact us

This is to certify that the dwelling house in the occupation of Betsy North, in the parish of Barton Stacey in the County of Southampton and diocese of Winchester is set apart by a congregation of protestant dissenters for the worship of almighty God witness our hands this 10th day of April 1824.

Betsy North

George Hicks

Thos Futcher

Jn Morrant

Jas Diddams

Barton Stacey

April 2   1827

To C Woodridge Esq


I hereby certify I intend opening a House in which William People resides situated in the Parish of Barton Stacey in the County of Hants as a place for Divine worship for a congregation of Protestant Dissenters. I therefore require you to register the same and send me a copy thereof. Enclosed is 2/6 for the expence.

I am Sir

Your obt Servt

Thos Futcher

James Diddams

William People, residents at Barton Stacey.

Certificate issued 26th April 1827 CW.


[Thomas Futcher was Minister at Longparish Baptist Chapel, Hampshire. This Chapel apparently had a burying ground].

To The Right Honble the Bishop of Winchester or His Registrar

We whose names are hereto subscribed do certify that the House in the Occupation of George Cannings situated in the parish of Barton Stacey in the county of Southampton is intended forthwith to be used as a place of Religious Worship by an assembly of his Majesties Protestant Subjects and do hereby request you to register the same this seventeenth day of February 1834

Anthony Antoney

John turton

Certificate issued

12th April 1824

1813 1835 1824 1834 1827

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